iMazing CLI

Command Line Interface

Direct access to iMazing's core features, easily scriptable on macOS or Windows. Surely the most advanced and flexible solution to manage your company's iOS data.

Access to the CLI requires an iMazing CLI license.

Available on Mac & PC

What is iMazing CLI?

iMazing CLI is the most exhaustive command line interface for advanced interaction with iOS devices and backups. File transfer, data extraction, backup/restore, update iOS and more features are all fully scriptable. The CLI tool is available on both macOS and Windows, and can be deployed in any environnement easily.


  1. Listing Devices and Managing Pairing
    • List connected devices (including device connected via Wi-Fi)
    • List offline devices (paired)
    • List devices not paired yet
    • Pair/Unpair a device
    • Enable/Disable Wi-Fi connection between the computer and the device (default is enabled)
  2. Accessing Device Info
    • Get device info (IMEI, UDID, Serial etc...)
    • Get device logs and diagnostics
    • Access device console
  3. File System Operations
    • List Files and get file info
    • Remove, rename, create directory
    • Copy files and folders from device to computer and from computer to device
  4. App Management
    • List installed apps and get advanced info
    • Install IPA to device, uninstall
    • Backup and restore app data
  5. Advanced iOS Device Management
    • Activate a device
    • Update or reinstall iOS
    • Erase all contents and settings
    • Shutdown and restart
  6. Backup Management
    • Back up a device, restore a backup
    • Set a backup password
    • Export data from backup (supports encrypted backups)
  7. Device Configuration, Provisioning & Repair
    • Apply advanced blueprints created with iMazing Configurator
    • Manage and install Apple Configuration Profiles created or edited with iMazing Profile Editor
    • Update and restore OS, supports recovery and DFU modes
    • Many other advanced commands are available to sysadmins, repair shops or refurbished Apple devices dealers

For an exhaustive list of all available commands and options, please refer to iMazing CLI's documentation: PDF download.

Who is it for?

As a system administrator, repair specialist or developer, you may want to automate interactions with iOS in your application, or automate workflows with batch scripts.

Example Use Case

With iMazing CLI, you can execute commands on multiple devices and script workflows of consecutive actions.

Let's say you want to automate the following workflow:

  1. Erase all data and settings
  2. Update iOS
  3. Restore a backup
  4. Install a specific app
  5. Transfer files to that app's Documents folder
  6. Shutdown the device once the process is done

You could put these commands in a batch script and schedule its execution using a cron task:

iMazing --backup-device --udid <device id>
iMazing --device-erase --udid <device id> --confirm
iMazing --device-update-os --udid <device id>
iMazing --backup-restore --udid <device id> --backup-path /iOS-Backups/MyBackup
iMazing --device-install-app --udid <device id> --source-path /iOS-Apps/MyApp.ipa
iMazing --device-fs-copy-to-device --udid <device id> --bundle-id com.MyCompany.MyApp --source-path \"/Docs/MyDoc.pdf\" --target-path /Documents
iMazing --device-shutdown --udid <device id>

Get started now, or contact us for a quote

Standard iMazing CLI licensing is available in self-service from our store.

For large scale projects, we also offer a custom built, embeddable CLI tool with JSON output and a larger feature set. Interested? Please contact us and tell us about your projects and use cases. We'll evaluate whether iMazing CLI is the right tool for you and reply quickly.